
System Requirements

The Supercharge framework has some system requirements. Ensure that your system has the following dependencies installed:

  • Node.js >= 12
  • NPM or Yarn for package management

Check your installed Node.js version using this command:

node -v
# v12.22.9

If you don’t have Node.js 12.x (or higher) installed, you can download the latest version on the official website.

Also, version managers like n or nvm help you to install and manage different Node.js versions on your machine.

Creating a new Supercharge App

Supercharge provides a convenient app scaffolder to create a new application. You can run the scaffolding using npm init. The following command creates a new Supercharge app in the hello-supercharge directory:

npm init @supercharge/app@latest hello-supercharge

The app creation process may take some seconds. You’ll continuously see updates what’s currently happening when creating your app.

Create a .env File

You must create a .env file after creating a new application. We provide a .env.example file that you can copy and rename.

At this point, it’s not necessary to adjust the values in the .env file. You can do that later.

Running the Supercharge Server

Starting your Supercharge server is as simple as this:

npm run dev

This will run Supercharge’s HTTP server on the port that is defined in your .env file. The default port is 3000. Once started, you can visit your new app on localhost:3000.